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Synchronizing your website’s prices and availability with Pricer24

Pricer24 can notify your system about changes in product prices or availability.

To connect this service, you need to implement an endpoint that will handle requests from Pricer24 and provide its address to our technical support.

How It Works

When price or availability changes in Pricer24, the system adds information about this to the queue.
By default, a service runs every 2 minutes that groups changes into batches of 100 and sequentially sends POST requests to the endpoint via HTTP/HTTPS.
If a 200 response code is received, the changes are marked as processed, and the system sends the next batch of changes. Otherwise, the service is interrupted, and the changes will be resent during the next run. This continues until a 200 response code is received.
The time limit for request processing is 1 minute, after which the service will stop and request processing will be considered unsuccessful.

Requests are formed not only when the price changes but also when any product property, such as name or tags, changes.


The system forms and sends POST requests to your endpoint.

Example request:

	"Data": [
			"EntityType": "product",
			"EntityId": "273555",
			"Entity": {
				"Id": "2db16c12-40a6-4e6c-848d-0f139bd8ef54",
				"ExternalId": "273555",
				"Name": "1stPlayer B7-R1 Color LED без БП Black",
				"Availability": {
					"Id": "eda9817f-9c2a-4aa1-9caa-5a12fa90cfcc",
					"UnifiedName": "in_stock",
					"IsAvailable": true
				"Tags": [
						"Id": "de71e492-b4dd-4d97-b88a-372358a1ed8f",
						"Name": "new",
						"Color": "#000000"
				"Prices": [
						"Id": "500aea54-e841-4778-9777-9c2b39236291",
						"Name": "Главная",
						"UnifiedName": "price",
						"IsMain": true,
						"Price": 1328.0,
						"Currency": "UAH"
						"Id": "1bd3c67f-de03-482b-a507-b852053000dd",
						"Name": "TEST_PRICE",
						"UnifiedName": "test",
						"IsMain": false,
						"Price": 52.0,
						"Currency": "USD"
	"Secret": ""

Change information is contained in the Data array.
EntityType – the type of the object that was changed
EntityId – the code of the object (product) in your system
Entity – information about the object (product) itself

Secret – a secret key needed to validate the requests your endpoint receives (so you can be sure the requests are coming from Pricer24).

In this article, we only consider requests for the product object.

Entity Object

Id – product code in Pricer24
ExternalId – product code in your system
Name – product name
Availability – product availability
Tags – array of product tags
Prices – array of product prices

Availability Object

Id – availability code in Pricer24
UnifiedName – availability alias
IsAvailable – whether the product is in stock

Tag Object

Id – tag code in Pricer24.
UnifiedName – tag alias
Color – tag color in HEX format

Price Object

Id – price type code in Pricer24
Name – price type name in Pricer24
UnifiedName – price type alias
IsMain – whether the price type is the main one (main price type is created during the initial setup and can be used as default price type while displaying the products)
Price – price (nullable)
Currency – ISO currency code of the price (nullable)

Updated on: 28/08/2024

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