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Getting Product Prices


If you want to load information about product prices into your system, the most convenient way is to use the products GET method.

This method supports pagination.
It returns only active products by default.
Example request: GET{PageSize}&SkipCount={PageSize}*{Page-1}&ApiKey={key}


Information about all available query parameters is available in Swagger
Available Include parameters: Availability, Category, Prices, ContractorsPrices, Tags

Currently, there is another ContractorPrices parameter (singular, without the “s” in ContractorsPrices). It is not recommended to use this parameter, as it will be removed in the future.

Response Description

Array items contain information about your products:
id – Pricer24 product code
externalId – product code in your system (you can synchronize data with your accounting system using this field)
name – product name
vendor – product manufacturer
vendorCode – product article number
link – link to the product
barcode – product barcode
stateId – product status code (1 – active, 2 – archived)
availability – an object with information about product availability (to get it, you need to request it in Include)
category – an object with information about the product category (to get it, you need to request it in Include)
prices – an array with your prices (to get it, you need to request it in Include)
contractorsPrices – an array with contractor prices (to get it, you need to request it in Include)
tags – an array with product tags (to get it, you need to request it in Include)

Prices Array

The prices array contains objects with information about your prices for product:

price – price
currencyId – currency of the price
priceType – information about your price (one product can have several prices; for example: regular price, promotional price, recommended retail price, etc.)

priceType object:
id – Pricer24 product price type code
name – price name

ContractorsPrices Array

Explanation: The term “contractor” in the Pricer24 system refers to any site that the client wants to monitor. Pricer24 clients are vendors, distributors, and online stores. For vendors and distributors, “contractor” means the online store of a retail partner. For online stores, “contractor” means a competitor’s online store.

Prices are returned only for active products.

The contractorsPrices array contains objects with information about contractor prices for your product:

name – contractor product name (what the product is called on the website or in the price list of another seller)
isAvail – flag indicating whether the product is in stock or out of stock
url – link to the product
parsedOn – date and time in UTC when the product information was collected
contractor – an object with information about the contractor
prices – an array with product prices
avails – an array with product availability

Contractor Object

name – contractor name
externalId – product code in your system (you can synchronize data with your accounting system using this field)
id – Pricer24 contractor code

Prices Array Object

price – price
currency – currency of the price
ext – object with extended price information
priceType – information about the contractor’s price

priceType object:
code – a unique identifier of a price type on another seller's website or in a price list
name – a name that corresponds to a price type on another seller's website or in a price list (regular, RRP, promo, etc)
priceSetId – Pricer24 Price Group code
id – Pricer24 contractor price code

Avails Array Object

avail – the status of stock availability as indicated by text on the contractor's website (e.g., 'In Stock,' 'Out of Stock')"
isAvail – flag indicating whether the product is in stock at a given warehouse
warehouse – information about the contractor’s warehouse

Warehouse object:
code – contractor warehouse code
name – contractor warehouse name
id – Pricer24 contractor warehouse code

Example Request

Example request to get the first 100 products with my prices and contractor prices:

Updated on: 28/08/2024

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