Changing product prices and availability
In Pricer24, there are four ways to update a product’s price or availability:
Manually updating via the dialog in the Products module – convenient when working with a few products
Exporting an Excel file with existing products, editing it, and importing it back into the system – convenient for working with a large number of products
Using a script (based on rules)
Synchronizing with an external data source
Price and availability can only be set for active products.
Price and availability can only be edited if they are enabled for the selected catalog.
In the system settings, the editing method is defined for each type of price and availability. There can only be one editing method!
Only fields where manual editing is enabled can be changed independently.
Open the menu and choose Dictionaries → Products.
Select the desired product.

Go to the Product tab (pencil icon), then scroll down.
Select Edit.
In the Prices and availability section, set or change the price and availability.

If the price supports multiple currencies, select the currency.
Select Save.
Prices are automatically rounded according to currency settings.
To import prices from Excel, you need to prepare a file and upload it to the system.
Create an Excel file with one sheet and the following columns:
Price type
Specify the product code in Pricer24 so the system knows which product’s price to update.
When editing the file, it’s not necessary to specify codes for all products: just specify codes of the products you want to update.
Price type
You need to create a column for each price type that you want to update. The column header must equal the price type name.
When filling out the price column, if the price supports multiple currencies, you must specify the ISO currency code next to the price (examples: “100.50 USD”, “119 EUR”. If there’s only one currency, just specify the price as a number.
If a price cell is not filled in, the price for that product will be deleted.
By default, the system supports + and - values to indicate availability, but they can be changed or edited by your administrator. This column is optional: if it isn’t in the file, availability will not be changed.

Have Difficulties?
If all of this looks complicated, we recommend first exporting existing products and then editing the resulting file. You can read more about exporting products in this article.
Go to the Products module.
Select Import in the toolbar.
Select the prepared file.
If there are errors in the file, the system will notify you.
If the system finds no errors, select Import in the dialog box.
If you receive error messages such as “Editing availability is prohibited” or “Editing prices with the type RRP is prohibited” while importing an Excel file, it means you are trying to edit fields that cannot be manually edited. To overcome this issue, remove the problematic columns from the Excel file and repeat the import.
Pricer24 supports updating prices and availability based on rules, as well as synchronization with external data sources. If you are interested in this service, please contact our technical support chat.
Manually updating via the dialog in the Products module – convenient when working with a few products
Exporting an Excel file with existing products, editing it, and importing it back into the system – convenient for working with a large number of products
Using a script (based on rules)
Synchronizing with an external data source
Price and availability can only be set for active products.
Price and availability can only be edited if they are enabled for the selected catalog.
In the system settings, the editing method is defined for each type of price and availability. There can only be one editing method!
Only fields where manual editing is enabled can be changed independently.
1. Updating Manually
Open the menu and choose Dictionaries → Products.
Select the desired product.

Go to the Product tab (pencil icon), then scroll down.
Select Edit.
In the Prices and availability section, set or change the price and availability.

If the price supports multiple currencies, select the currency.
Select Save.
Prices are automatically rounded according to currency settings.
2. Importing from Excel
To import prices from Excel, you need to prepare a file and upload it to the system.
Preparing the File from Scratch
Create an Excel file with one sheet and the following columns:
Price type
Specify the product code in Pricer24 so the system knows which product’s price to update.
When editing the file, it’s not necessary to specify codes for all products: just specify codes of the products you want to update.
Price type
You need to create a column for each price type that you want to update. The column header must equal the price type name.
When filling out the price column, if the price supports multiple currencies, you must specify the ISO currency code next to the price (examples: “100.50 USD”, “119 EUR”. If there’s only one currency, just specify the price as a number.
If a price cell is not filled in, the price for that product will be deleted.
By default, the system supports + and - values to indicate availability, but they can be changed or edited by your administrator. This column is optional: if it isn’t in the file, availability will not be changed.

Have Difficulties?
If all of this looks complicated, we recommend first exporting existing products and then editing the resulting file. You can read more about exporting products in this article.
Importing the File
Go to the Products module.
Select Import in the toolbar.
Select the prepared file.
If there are errors in the file, the system will notify you.
If the system finds no errors, select Import in the dialog box.
If you receive error messages such as “Editing availability is prohibited” or “Editing prices with the type RRP is prohibited” while importing an Excel file, it means you are trying to edit fields that cannot be manually edited. To overcome this issue, remove the problematic columns from the Excel file and repeat the import.
3, 4. Scripts and Synchronization
Pricer24 supports updating prices and availability based on rules, as well as synchronization with external data sources. If you are interested in this service, please contact our technical support chat.
Updated on: 28/08/2024
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