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Bulk operations with product tags: exporting and importing product tags

How Bulk Operations with Tags Can Save You Time

In our article about product tags, you will find instructions on how to assign or remove a tag for a single product. However, there are situations when you need to perform such actions on an entire list of products. For example:
You want to assign a new tag to many products at once
Previously, you assigned a tag to certain products and now want to assign the same tag to other products
You need to remove a tag, but only from some products

For such cases, Pricer24 has an option called “bulk operations with tags” that will save your time, as you won’t need to edit each product’s tag individually.

Below, you will find instructions on how to quickly manage product lists by tag. But first, let’s understand where the product tag management box is located and what options it has.

Product Tag Management Window

To create a new product tag, follow these instructions:
In the menu on the left side of the screen, select DictionariesTags.
Hover over the desired tag. A menu will appear on the right in which you should select the Tags icon.

To create a new product tag, follow these instructions.

The Tag Management window will open.

On the right, you will see a filter. It simplifies the search when a large number of products are tagged. You can search for a product by name, brand, and category, as well as by status: Active and Archived. An archived product is no longer tracked: for example, due to being discontinued.

At the top of the tag editing window are buttons:
Refresh – loads fresh data from the server
Columns – allows you to manage (show/hide) columns of the product table
Delete – removes the tag from products; you can select multiple products in the table by holding Ctrl
Filter – shows/hides the filter
Excel – allows you to import/export Excel tables for bulk operations with product lists

When choosing the Export option, all products with the selected tag will be exported.
When choosing the Import option, you can perform one of three bulk operations:
- Add – the tag will be added to all products from the imported file
- Set – the tag will be added to products from the imported file and will be removed from all other products
- Delete – the tag will be removed from products from the file

Here are examples of how it works.

Assigning a Newly Created Tag to a List of Products

Export an Excel table with a list of products from the Products dictionary.

For example, say you need to assign the Bestseller tag to certain positions of the Asus brand. Go to the Products dictionary, filter by brand, and select ExcelExport.

Edit the downloaded table, leaving only products that are bestsellers.

The most important column for us in this table is Code. The code is the unique identifier of each product in the client’s catalog in the Pricer24 system.

In the menu on the left side of the screen, select Dictionaries → Tags.
Hover over a tag. The editing menu will appear on the right. Select the Tags option.

The tag management box will open. Select Excel → Import.

In the next window, select Add.

The Add option assigns the tag to new products. For example, let’s say there were 10 products with the Bestseller tag and we added 10 more. Now there will be 20 products with the Bestseller tag.

Choose Select a File and the file explorer will open. Upload the table created in the first step.

Pricer24 will process the uploaded data. In the screenshot below, you can see a warning: some columns of our table are not recognized. We can ignore this, as the important thing is that the system recognizes the product codes.

Select Import.

The data is imported, and the tag is assigned to all products in the uploaded list.

Assigning a Tag to Other Products

In this case, steps 1–4 are the same. At step 5, during table importing, select Set.

The Set option assigns the tag only to products from the uploaded list. If certain products previously had this tag, it is removed from them. For example, we might use the Set option if there were 10 products with the Bestseller tag and we need to update the list of the 10 current bestsellers.

Removing a Tag from Certain Products

If there are not many products in the tag list, or the products from which you need to remove the tag are easy to filter, you can find them visually or using the filter. Then select them (hold Ctrl and select the row) and choose Delete.

Another option is to import a table with product codes by selecting Excel → Import and then choosing Delete.

The Delete option removes the tag from certain products in the uploaded list. The main thing is that the uploaded list contains the Code column (system product code) or Product column (product name in the Pricer24 system).

Updated on: 28/08/2024

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