Articles on: Products
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Creation and editing of products

Overview of Creating and Editing Products

In Pricer24, there are three ways to create and edit product cards:
Manually, using forms in the Products module – best for working with a few products
Importing from Excel – suitable for handling a large number of products
Synchronizing with an external data source – convenient if all necessary data is already in your accounting system

Manual Creation and Editing

Creating a Product Card via the System Interface

Open the menu and navigate to Dictionaries → Products.
Select a catalog (if you have more than one).
Select + Create.
Fill in the mandatory fields in the dialog box.
Select Create in the dialog box.

Creating a product card


The Code field contains a unique identifier for each product in your catalog and can be used for integration with your accounting system. Codes can be generated automatically (by choosing the lightning icon) or set manually.
You cannot change a previously set product code. To get a new code, you need to delete the existing product and create the same product again with a new code.
You cannot create a new product with the same name and/or ID as an existing product.

Editing a Product Card via the System Interface

In the Products module, after selecting the item you want to edit, you will see a pop-up on the right containing all product information including availability, prices, and tags.
Go to the Product tab (pencil icon).

Editing a product card
Select Edit at the bottom of the product editing tab.
The system will now allow you to make changes to the product information. When you are done editing, select Save.

Creating and Editing Products Using Excel

Product Export

To get started, go to the Products module and export a file with existing products in .xlsx format to add new items and/or edit existing ones. To do this, select Excel → Export:

Products export

You can choose specific categories or products to export. If nothing is selected, the entire product catalog will be exported.

Open the exported file to see the list of products it contains:

An example of the contents

Editing the Exported File

Basic Rules for Working with the File:
You can edit information in all columns except Code.
Changing the contents of the Code column is prohibited because if you do so, the system will not recognize the product when importing the file back into the system and will create a duplicate product.
Do not change the column names in the document, as it will prevent successful importing (the columns will not be recognized).
To create new products, enter the necessary information below the last filled row.

Adding New Products
Suppose you need to add three new AMD graphics cards. In the exported file, add three new rows and fill them with product information:

Adding new items to an Excel file

Features of Filling and Editing Fields:
If the Code field is not filled, a code will be generated automatically.
In the Category column, specify the full path to the category where the product should be created. The path should be specified according to the tree in the Categories module.

If you have difficulty determining the category, we recommend copying the value from an existing product.

You need to fill in one of the predefined Availability values in the system. By default, this is + or -.
For prices that can be specified in several currencies, you must indicate the ISO currency code.

Importing an Edited Excel File

The processed Excel file must now be imported back into the system. To do this, go to the Products module and select Excel → Import:

Importing an edited Excel file

Select the Create Products checkbox if the imported file contains new products.
After selecting the file for importing, the system will perform a preliminary check for duplicate product codes and names and will notify you of any errors. If errors are detected, you will need to correct all errors in the file and repeat the import procedure.

If no errors are found, select Import. As a result of the above actions:
Edited information about existing products will be updated.
New products will be created in the system with an automatically assigned code (since we did not fill in this column manually).


If you receive error messages such as “Prohibited to edit availability” or “Prohibited to edit prices with MSRP type” when importing an Excel file, it means that you are trying to edit fields that cannot be edited manually. In this case, delete the problematic columns from the Excel file and repeat the import.

Setting Up Synchronization with an External Data Source

Synchronization with an external data source will be done differently for each client.
If you need to set up synchronization of Pricer24 with an external data source, please contact technical support via chat.

Updated on: 28/08/2024

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