Assortment Analysis report
The Assortment Analysis report displays the availability of your products on the digital shelf. Each product in your catalog has information about its availability on partners’ or competitors’ websites.
Description of report fields
My product section
Fields in the My product section correspond to the product fields in your catalog.
Contractor product section
Explanation: The term “contractor” in the Pricer24 system refers to any site that the client wants to monitor. Pricer24 clients are vendors, distributors, and online stores. For vendors and distributors, “contractor” means the online store of a retail partner. For online stores, “contractor” means a competitor’s online store.
All fields in this section relate to data collected by the Pricer24 parser. The CP label in the field names indicates a Contractor Product.
Code – the contractor’s product code
Contractor – the contractor’s internet domain
Availability – the availability of the product for ordering
Link – a link to the product page (displayed in the report for records with the status “In Stock” or “Out of Stock”)
Updated – the date and time when the data was retrieved (e.g., when the parser loaded the product page)
For products with the “Out of Stock” status, the Updated field shows the date when the product was last in stock.
Statuses and availability
Each record can have one of three statuses:
In stock – The product is available to order through the website.
Out of stock – The product was available to order through the website at some point in time, but it is currently unavailable.
Not found – Data for the product has never been uploaded from the website to the Pricer24 system.
A contractor’s product (CP) can have one of two availability statuses:
Available – The product is available to order on the website.
Not available – The product is not listed on the website or is listed but not available to order.
“Available” corresponds to the “In stock” status, while “Not available” corresponds to both the “Out of stock” and “Not found” statuses.

It’s important to keep in mind that a “Not found” status does not necessarily mean there is no corresponding product page on the website.
By default, we only collect data for products from websites that are currently in stock. When a product is first loaded into the system, a record is created. If the product later becomes unavailable, the system assigns it the “Out of stock” status.
If a product has never been in stock (for example, if the product page is marked as archived or is no longer displayed in the website’s catalog), the report will show the “Not found” status, even though the product page exists on the website.
Report features
Double-clicking on the product name opens the product’s price change history.
If the contractor has identical products with both “In stock” and “Out of stock” statuses, the report will only show the in-stock products.
If the contractor has identical products with the “In stock” status, the report will show all identical products.
If the contractor has identical products with the “Out of stock” status, the report will show only one of them.
Identical products refers to cases where one of your products matches several products from a particular contractor (for example, if a partner or competitor has created duplicates in their catalog).
Updated on: 28/08/2024
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